What is a Case for Support?
A Case for Support is essentially the bible for your nonprofit. Simply put, it explains your organization’s history, mission and community impact so existing and potential donors understand the cause they are supporting.
What does a Case for Support contain?
It contains information that is important to your organization, either as a whole or with a specific campaign focus. A Table of Contents for this document would include items such as: Organization history, mission & vision; Explanation of the community problem; Evidence of the community impact of your organization; Emotional stories tied to your organization’s mission; and an explanation of ways donors can help support your cause.
What are the steps in creating a Case for Support?
My process takes nonprofits through a discovery period, during which we’ll explore your organization’s goals of the Case for Support as well as navigate the content and stories available. Then, I’ll put together a solid outline for the document to be sure we’re not leaving anything out. Next, I conduct important interviews with individuals impacted by your organization, to build the stories for your case. Lastly, I write. Then you review. We’ll go through an editing process and produce a final draft. I’ll also provide a strategic suggestions tip sheet on how to use the pieces of the Case for Support in promoting your organization.
How do I find the best stories for my Case for Support?
The best stories are the ones that feel real. We want people to feel the emotion of your organization when reading your Case for Support. Think of all the people your organization has helped: who stands out in your mind? Which people moved you to tears? Who has an extremely unique background? Who has a very relatable experience? My process will help you brainstorm the right people to connect me with for some solid story-telling.
How do nonprofits benefit from a Case for Support?
A Case for Support document has many end games, including: use in marketing initiatives such as blog posts and brochures; use as a foundation for grant applications; or use in attracting and retaining large donors. You’ll be easily able to showcase your impact on the community to donors — moving people from interested in your cause to committed to funding it, as well. It can also help with recruiting volunteers and raising awareness about events or your cause in general.