
A Life Changing Opportunity: Focus Group Forming for Book Launch

settleSmile. Go ahead, right now. Don’t worry about someone noticing your ear-to-ear grin while you stare at the screen, reading this post. Just do it. Smile.

Why? It’s about perspective. The day may not be going the way we want it to go, with stress, worry or fear lingering in our minds. But, when we shift our perspective — we can take control of the way we feel.

That’s what my new book is all about — changing perspectives and creating plans for living happy. As children, we have dreams and ideas about what life will entail as we grow into adults. Often, what we wanted then is not what we’re living now. Entering our modern society often means making decisions that compromise our dreams and desires, morphing everyday life into something that leaves us feeling half full.

And then, life happens. Circumstances out of our control, whether tragic or not, create instant change, turning our worlds upside down. Miserably, however, is no way to live the one life we’re each given. No matter what challenges enter our lives, we can make the choice to react with resilience, learning from our struggles and strifes. We can revive childhood dreams and individual passions, sketching a path to happiness and creating a blueprint to actually getting there.

Now I Need Your Help

As this book gets ready to launch, I am putting together a focus group to work through the chapters and offer feedback on the transformation it provides in your life. This focus group is really helping others through feedback and practice with the process designed in this book.

Focus group participants will receive:

  • Free drinks! We’ll meet 4 times at a local business and I’ll buy a round of beverages for everyone each meeting. Each meeting will include a reading of the chapters, a roundtable discussion for critique and personal input and time to work on chapter questions. There are 4 parts to this book, and each meeting will focus on a single part.
  • A shoutout! I’ll dedicate a page in the in the book for your support in fine-tuning my message, and helping make change in the lives of my readers.
  • Unique workbook!I’ll provide a handmade workbook to accompany the chapter questions for each participant. I am developing this workbook to support the book’s message: to shift your perspective, to sketch a life vision and to create and follow your blueprint to implement change.

Join the Focus Group!

If you are interested in this focus book, please submit this form so I can follow up regarding scheduling. As soon as I hear from you, I will send along the introduction and first chapter of the book as a sneak peek of what you’re getting into.

And here’s a free sneak peek …

Every chapter in this book ends with Life Lessons. These are a series of questions that reflect on the perspectives in the chapter and challenge the reader to discover more about his or her self. The structure of the Life Lessons eventually trains readers on a successful process for accomplishing goals that lead to the satisfying life we all deserve.

This is a process that takes time, certainly. And, I want you to feel instant gratification from reading my book! So, I’ve also included “life change now” challenges to give you something to improve your life immediately.

So, here is your first Life Change Now challenge. If you join the focus group, I hope to hear more about what your fun day entailed!

LIFE CHANGE NOW: Schedule a fun day in the next two weeks. No chores, no checking work e-mails – you’re completely off the clock. Now, find something fun to do! Make plans to attend a local museum or walk on nearby trails. Perhaps it’s the right season for an enjoyable picnic and frisbee with your pup at the park? The possibilities are endless and the details are up to you – the important thing is you make it happen.

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